
Bundling Streaming Connectors

Java / Scala

The stream connectors are expected to be bunlded as a Single JAR (Fat JAR). We recommend using some thing like maven-shade-plugin to build the final JAR file.

Additionally, we recommend using maven-assembly-plugin to bundle all required files and JAR into a single distribution.

Here is a sample using maven-shade-plugin and maven-assembly-plugin

                                <!-- Do not copy the signatures in the META-INF folder.
                                Otherwise, this might cause SecurityExceptions when using the JAR. -->
                            <!-- append default configs -->

And here is a sample of src/main/assembly/src.xml for building the distribution

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<assembly xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

Run mvn clean package to generate the distribution

The contents of the distribution should be in the following format

├── example_connector.jar
├── alerts.yaml
├── metadata.json
├── metrics.yaml
├── requirements.txt
├── ui-config.json
└── icon.svg

Bundling Batch Connectors

Java / Scala

The batch connectors are bundled as a standalone JAR file, where the dependent JARs are to be included in the libs folder in the bundle, by using the maven-assembly-plugin.

Here is a sample of including the maven-assembly-plugin to your build


And here is a sample of src/main/assembly/src.xml for building the distribution

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<assembly xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

Run mvn clean package to generate the distribution

The contents of the distribution should be in the following format

├── libs
    └── sample-dependency.jar
├── example_connector.jar
├── alerts.yaml
├── metadata.json
├── metrics.yaml
├── requirements.txt
├── ui-config.json
└── icon.svg


Since we use PySpark for building the batch connectors in Python, we are required to include the dependent JARs as a part of the distribution.

Here are the steps if you are using poetry as a package manager for Python Connectors.

Add a script to the scripts folder with the following contents. Briefly the script does the following

  • It exports the python requirements to requirements.txt file, so that these can be installed on the runtime.

  • It downloads all the dependent JARs that are to be included in the package using mvn

import subprocess
import os

def main():
    # remove dirs recursively
    subprocess.Popen("rm -rf dist", shell=True).wait()

    # Path to the directory containing the JAR files
    jar_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'libs')
    os.makedirs(jar_dir, exist_ok=True)

    subprocess.Popen("""poetry export --without-hashes --format=requirements.txt | awk '{split($0,a,"; "); print a[1]}' > requirements.txt""", shell=True).wait()
    subprocess.Popen("mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -DrepoUrl= -DexcludeTrans -DoutputDirectory=libs", shell=True).wait()
    subprocess.Popen("poetry build -f sdist", shell=True).wait()
    subprocess.Popen("rm -rf requirements.txt libs", shell=True).wait()

if __name__ == '__main__':

The packaging instructions have to be included in the pyproject.toml file.

packages = [
    { include = "example_connector", from = ".", format = "sdist" },

include = [
    "icon.svg" # Add additional files like the icons that are to be included in the bundle

requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

package = "scripts.build_dist:main"

Add a pom.xml file to the root and specify the dependent JARs required by the connector

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
            <groupId> </groupId>
            <artifactId> </artifactId>
            <version> </version>

Run poetry run package to build the distribution that can be installed on Obsrv.

The contents of the distribution should be in the following format

├── libs
    └── sample-dependency.jar
├── example_connector
├── alerts.yaml
├── metadata.json
├── metrics.yaml
├── requirements.txt
├── ui-config.json
└── icon.svg

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