Performance Benchmarks

Proof of the pudding for scalability of Obsrv

Note: This is a work in progress page. Following results are from initial benchmarks. Detailed benchmarks will be added shortly once the benchmark exercise is completed

Cluster Size

Processing Benchmarks

Processing benchmark is independent on number of datasets created, hence the strategy is to test with volume with all configurations enabled. Disabling any configuration is going to improve throughput

Configuration 1

  1. Dedup turned on

  2. De-normalization configured on 2 master datasets

  3. Transformations configured on 2 fields

  4. Event size of 1 kb


Note: Many other scenarios with varying flink configurations are under benchmarking and will be updated post completion

Secor Backups Benchmark

To ensure there is no data loss across obsrv pipeline all data is backuped to object store using S3. Following are the benchmark results of Secor backups in real-time

Configuration 1

  1. Total Secor processes - 7

  2. Total CPU Allocated - 1.5 cpu

  3. Event size of 1 kb


Note: In DIKSHA we have observed each secor process with 1cpu was able to upload 200Million events (200 Gb) to Azure blob storage

Druid Indexing Benchmark

Druid indexing benchmark is dependent on number of datasets created and number of aggregate tables. This benchmark is done with minimal configuration only and can actually linearly scale with the number of CPUs provided

Minimum Configuration


Note: How does the indexing scale when more cpu resources are provided will be added once the benchmark is complete

Query Benchmark

Similar to processing, query benchmark is dependent on the volume of data but not on the number of datasets (or tables) created. Query performance will increase linearly with the amount of CPU/Memory assigned to the Druid Historical process

Minimum Configuration

RAW Table Results

Aggregate (Rollup) Table Results

Note: Multiple query types with varying interval and historical configuration combinations are being benchmarked actively and results will be updated once the activity is completed.

Last updated