ConnectorStats Class



The ConnectorStats class is a part of the org.sunbird.obsrv.connector.model package. It encapsulates the statistics information for a connector instance, allowing for the tracking and management of various metrics associated with the connector's performance.

Class Definition



connectorInstanceId: String

  • Description: The unique identifier for the specific instance of the connector.

statsJson: Option[String]

  • Description: The JSON representation of the statistics for the connector instance.

stats: mutable.Map[String, AnyRef]

  • Description: A mutable map that holds the statistics metrics for the connector instance.


getStat[T](metric: String): Option[T]

  • Description: Retrieves the value of the specified metric.

  • Parameters: metric - The name of the metric to retrieve.

  • Returns: An Option containing the value of the metric, if it exists.

getStat[T](metric: String, defaultValue: T): T

  • Description: Retrieves the value of the specified metric, or returns a default value if the metric does not exist.

  • Parameters:

    • metric - The name of the metric to retrieve.

    • defaultValue - The default value to return if the metric does not exist.

  • Returns: The value of the metric, or the default value.

putStat[T <: AnyRef](metric: String, value: T): Unit

  • Description: Adds or updates the value of the specified metric.

  • Parameters:

    • metric - The name of the metric to add or update.

    • value - The value to set for the metric.

removeStat(metric: String): Option[AnyRef]

  • Description: Removes the specified metric from the statistics.

  • Parameters: metric - The name of the metric to remove.

  • Returns: An Option containing the removed value, if it existed.

toJson(): String

  • Description: Serializes the statistics to a JSON string.

  • Returns: A JSON string representation of the statistics.

saveStats(): Unit

  • Description: Saves the current statistics to the database.

  • Throws: ObsrvException if the statistics could not be saved.


The ConnectorStats class is used to manage and track the performance metrics of a connector instance. It provides methods to access, update, and persist these metrics.


import org.sunbird.obsrv.connector.model.ConnectorStats
import org.sunbird.obsrv.job.util.PostgresConnectionConfig

implicit val postgresConfig: PostgresConnectionConfig = // initialize config

val stats = new ConnectorStats("connectorInstanceId", None)

// Accessing and updating stats
stats.putStat("metric1", 100.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])

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