Copy CREATE TABLE public .datasets (
id text NOT NULL ,
dataset_id text NULL ,
"type" text NOT NULL ,
"name" text NULL ,
validation_config json NULL ,
extraction_config json NULL ,
dedup_config json NULL ,
data_schema json NULL ,
denorm_config json NULL ,
router_config json NULL ,
dataset_config json NULL ,
tags _text NULL ,
data_version int4 NULL ,
status text NULL ,
created_by text NULL ,
updated_by text NULL ,
created_date timestamp DEFAULT now () NOT NULL ,
updated_date timestamp NOT NULL ,
published_date timestamp DEFAULT now () NOT NULL ,
api_version varchar ( 255 ) DEFAULT 'v1' :: character varying NOT NULL ,
"version" int4 DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL ,
sample_data json DEFAULT '{}' :: json NULL ,
entry_topic text DEFAULT 'dev.ingest' :: text NOT NULL ,
CONSTRAINT datasets_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE TABLE public .connector_registry (
id text NOT NULL ,
connector_id text NOT NULL ,
"name" text NOT NULL ,
"type" text NOT NULL ,
category text NOT NULL ,
"version" text NOT NULL ,
description text NULL ,
technology text NOT NULL ,
runtime text NOT NULL ,
licence text NOT NULL ,
"owner" text NOT NULL ,
iconurl text NULL ,
status text NOT NULL ,
ui_spec json DEFAULT '{}' :: json NOT NULL ,
source_url text NOT NULL ,
"source" json NOT NULL ,
created_by text NOT NULL ,
updated_by text NOT NULL ,
created_date timestamp NOT NULL ,
updated_date timestamp NOT NULL ,
live_date timestamp NULL ,
CONSTRAINT connector_registry_connector_id_version_key UNIQUE (connector_id, version ),
CONSTRAINT connector_registry_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
CREATE TABLE public .connector_instances (
id text NOT NULL ,
dataset_id text NOT NULL ,
connector_id text NOT NULL ,
connector_config text NOT NULL ,
operations_config json NOT NULL ,
status text NOT NULL ,
connector_state json DEFAULT '{}' :: json NOT NULL ,
connector_stats json DEFAULT '{}' :: json NOT NULL ,
created_by text NOT NULL ,
updated_by text NOT NULL ,
created_date timestamp NOT NULL ,
updated_date timestamp NOT NULL ,
published_date timestamp NOT NULL ,
"name" text NULL ,
CONSTRAINT connector_instances_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
CONSTRAINT connector_instances_connector_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (connector_id) REFERENCES public.connector_registry(id),
CONSTRAINT connector_instances_dataset_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (dataset_id) REFERENCES public.datasets(id)
The Obsrv pipeline utilizes Kafka to efficiently process data in real-time. Connector SDKs ensure data is pushed to Kafka upon confirmation of successful connection, facilitating smooth data integration and quick responsiveness.