
Environment Setup

  1. Since connectors are configured at a dataset level, create a sample dataset. Here is a sample to create new-york-taxi-data dataset.

INSERT INTO public.datasets (id,dataset_id,"type","name",validation_config,extraction_config,dedup_config,data_schema,denorm_config,router_config,dataset_config,tags,data_version,status,created_by,updated_by,created_date,updated_date,published_date,api_version,"version",sample_data,entry_topic) VALUES
 ('new-york-taxi-data','new-york-taxi-data','event','new-york-taxi-data','{"validate": true, "mode": "Strict"}','{"is_batch_event": true, "batch_id": "id", "extraction_key": "events", "dedup_config": {"dedup_key": "id", "drop_duplicates": true, "dedup_period": 604800}}','{"dedup_key": "tripID", "drop_duplicates": true, "dedup_period": 604800}','{"$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": {"tripID": {"type": "string", "suggestions": [{"message": "The Property ''''tripID'''' appears to be ''''uuid'''' format type.", "advice": "Suggest to not to index the high cardinal columns", "resolutionType": "DEDUP", "severity": "LOW", "path": "properties.tripID"}], "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "string"}, "VendorID": {"type": "string", "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "string"}, "tpep_pickup_datetime": {"type": "string", "suggestions": [{"message": "The Property ''''tpep_pickup_datetime'''' appears to be ''''date-time'''' format type.", "advice": "The System can index all data on this column", "resolutionType": "INDEX", "severity": "LOW", "path": "properties.tpep_pickup_datetime"}], "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "date-time"}, "tpep_dropoff_datetime": {"type": "string", "suggestions": [{"message": "The Property ''''tpep_dropoff_datetime'''' appears to be ''''date-time'''' format type.", "advice": "The System can index all data on this column", "resolutionType": "INDEX", "severity": "LOW", "path": "properties.tpep_dropoff_datetime"}], "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "date-time"}, "passenger_count": {"type": "string", "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "string"}, "trip_distance": {"type": "string", "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "string"}, "RatecodeID": {"type": "string", "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "string"}, "store_and_fwd_flag": {"type": "string", "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "string"}, "PULocationID": {"type": "string", "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "string"}, "DOLocationID": {"type": "string", "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "string"}, "payment_type": {"type": "string", "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "string"}, "primary_passenger": {"type": "object", "properties": {"email": {"type": "string", "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "string"}, "mobile": {"type": "string", "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "string"}}, "arrival_format": "object", "data_type": "object", "additionalProperties": false}, "fare_details": {"type": "object", "properties": {"fare_amount": {"type": "string", "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "string"}, "extra": {"type": "string", "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "string"}, "mta_tax": {"type": "string", "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "string"}, "tip_amount": {"type": "string", "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "string"}, "tolls_amount": {"type": "string", "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "string"}, "improvement_surcharge": {"type": "string", "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "string"}, "total_amount": {"type": "string", "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "string"}, "congestion_surcharge": {"type": "string", "arrival_format": "text", "data_type": "string"}}, "arrival_format": "object", "data_type": "object", "additionalProperties": false}}, "additionalProperties": false}','{"denorm_fields": [], "redis_db_host": "localhost", "redis_db_port": 6379}','{"topic": "new-york-taxi-data"}','{"keys_config": {"timestamp_key": "obsrv_meta.syncts", "data_key": "", "partition_key": ""}, "indexing_config": {"olap_store_enabled": true, "lakehouse_enabled": false, "cache_enabled": false}, "cache_config": {"redis_db_host": "localhost", "redis_db_port": 6379, "redis_db": 0}, "file_upload_path": []}','{}',2,'Live','SYSTEM','SYSTEM','2024-09-12 13:13:15.400866','2024-09-17 11:26:00.774249','2024-09-17 11:26:00.774249','v2',1,'{"tripID": "0de066f6-e7e4-44e3-9d5a-af8be8cd360a", "VendorID": "2", "tpep_pickup_datetime": "2023-04-12 13:48:30", "tpep_dropoff_datetime": "2023-11-17 13:52:40", "passenger_count": "3", "trip_distance": ".00", "RatecodeID": "1", "store_and_fwd_flag": "N", "PULocationID": "236", "DOLocationID": "236", "payment_type": "1", "primary_passenger": {"email": "", "mobile": "494-699-7052"}, "fare_details": {"fare_amount": "4.5", "extra": "0.5", "mta_tax": "0.5", "tip_amount": "0", "tolls_amount": "0", "improvement_surcharge": "0.3", "total_amount": "5.8", "congestion_surcharge": ""}, "suggestedPii": []}','local.ingest');
  1. In order to run a connector, the connector must me registered in Obsrv. To do so, fill in the values and run the below query

INSERT INTO public.connector_registry (id,connector_id,"name","type",category,"version",description,technology,runtime,licence,"owner",iconurl,status,ui_spec,source_url,"source",created_by,updated_by,created_date,updated_date,live_date) VALUES
	 'Example Connector',
	 'Pull data from a Source',
	 now(), now(), now()
  1. The connector must have an active instance inorder where we specify the mapping of the dataset and the connector created above.

INSERT INTO public.connector_instances (id,dataset_id,connector_id,connector_config,operations_config,status,connector_state,connector_stats,created_by,updated_by,created_date,updated_date,published_date) VALUES
	 '<aes-256-ecb encrypted string>',
	 '{}','Live','{}','{}','SYSTEM','SYSTEM', now(), now(), now()

The connector_config in the instances uses AES ECB encryption with a key size of 256 bits.

To verify if the encryption is correct use an online tool like this where algorithm is AES, mode is ECB, No-Padding and key size is 256 bits (32 character).

For example the following JSON Config {"source_ip": "localhost", "source_port": 5432, "source_db": "obsrv", "table": "datasets"}

with a secret strong_encryption_key_to_encrypt

should generate an encrypted string equal to


which can be verfied online, before you encrypt your config. Upon decrypting it should be a valid JSON

  1. Make sure you have the configuration files based on the language you are writing the connector in

Here is a sample file to be used in Java / Scala

postgres {
  host = localhost
  port = 5432
  maxConnections = 2
  user = "postgres"
  password = "postgres"
  database = "obsrv"

kafka {
  producer = {
    broker-servers = "localhost:9092"
    compression = "snappy"
    max-request-size = 1000000 # 1MB
  output = {
    connector = {
      failed.topic = "connector.failed"
      metric.topic = "obsrv-connectors-metrics"

obsrv.encryption.key = "strong_encryption_key_to_encrypt"

task {
  checkpointing.compressed = true
  checkpointing.interval = 60000
  checkpointing.pause.between.seconds = 30000
  restart-strategy.attempts = 3
  restart-strategy.delay = 30000 # in milli-seconds
  parallelism = 1
  consumer.parallelism = 1
  downstream.operators.parallelism = 1

env = local
building-block = obsrv

Please make sure you update the database and kafka connection values as per your setup

Running Stream Connectors

  1. Make sure you have Apache Flink running and is ready to accept jobs for processing. Make sure you have atleast ONE task slot for submitting the job

  2. Submit the JAR using flink submit.

$FLINK_HOME/bin/flink run <path_to_jar> --port <random_port> --config.file.path <path_to_obsrv-connector-config.conf> <id_from_connector_registry>

Running Batch Connectors

  1. Make sure you have spark installed

  2. Submit the JAR to Spark using the following command

spark-submit --master=local[*] --jars <include_dependent_jars> --class <main_class> <path_to_jar> -f <path_to_obsrv-connector-config.conf> -c <id_from_connector_instances>

Last updated

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